Zero-setup & simple global state management for React Components based on SWR helpers.

A simple and fast way to manage concurrent promise tasks with Queue Data Structure.

Simple Islamic Hadith REST API with Indonesia Translation.

Simple Quran REST API with Indonesia Tafsir and media audio (murrotal) Syekh. Mishary Rashid Alafasy

Bot that can automate shares qur'an verses and translations on Instagram/Telegram.

Web that contains information about corona virus (COVID-19) victim updates with data visualization.

GraphQL API for data of "Perguruan Tinggi" in Indonesia created using web scraping techniques with puppeteer from "Kementerian RISTEKDIKTI" website.

Lightweight utilities that can make easier to access application storage in client browser.

Simple Javascript utility to print HTML element easier..


MeChat is Meet & Chat Mobile Application built with React Native integrated with Firebase, Google Map API and Netlify functions.

Point of sales is a cashier application that simplifies the checkout process. Also has a order history feature and income statistics.


Library Application for my final terms project based on barcode and qr code with PWA and push notification technology.

Online Shop Griya Kain Mr. Kentang

A Progressive Task Management Application with Offline First Technology.

Simple & Fast IP Address Stalker Application by using IP scraper in backend API with serverless service

Static generated site designed for developers that want to write blog posts that hosted in static hosting.


Computer Repair Request Application for PT. PUSRI (Persero)

Real-time chat app with Gravatar API.

Web Design Competition 2018 (Team coffeeManiac).

Simple Al-Qur'an Web App.


Task Management Application for Computer Engineering Department POLSRI.

Website for Moba La-Tansa foundation.

E-Log Tracking System Project for PT. Tanjungenim Lestari.

HAR UPT Project for PT. PLN (Persero).


IFTANA Website.